View 16 Gedenken Erinnerung An Verstorbene Sprüche - Erkunde 21.01.2022 Pinnwand Inika knelangens "Sprche f Verstorbene" on Pinterest. More thoughts on sprche trauer, beleid sprche, trauer text. Keep a deceased person in your heart - that is, keep significant memories alive for him near the line between death and life, to keep him in your thoughts on special occasions, and to keep him in your thoughts on special occasions. Keeping our loved ones in our hearts is a personal choice.
Our thoughts are frequently with you, and the memory remains in our hearts. One year without you. We'll always remember your steps, your voice calling to us, the sound of your laughter, but your chair is now empty. Every new day since your death reminds us of how much you have failed us. He was the strong center of our family. and a period of grateful reminiscence. Brigitte's suggestion I see stars in the sky and think of you. I'll never forget you, I'll always remember you. Thaeder, Regina Thank you for your friendship. Christina K.'s suggestion This life, Herr, I throw myself into your arms, because you have given it to me.
2022-01-08 - Error: Error: Error: Error: Error: Error: Error: Error "on Pinterest More ideas for sprche trauer, trauersprche, and trauer zitate. 102 Trauersprche für Notkarten und Beerdigungen If death is the end, it brings sadness; if it is the beginning of a new chapter, it brings hope "Death is not the end, nor is it the beginning of the end. Death is only the beginning of the end. "When we get to where you are now, we'll wonder why we've been crying."