
Batman The Dark Knight Comic Cover

Batman's archenemy, who emerges from a catatonic condition upon learning of Batman's re-emergence at the age of 60. He plots a heinous crime spree to entice Batman, so initiating the chain of events that would culminate in a final battle. The Mutant Leader: The Mutants' shrewd, vicious, and albino leader, who desires to dominate Gotham and assassinates anybody who opposes him. The clever, violent, and albino Mutant leader who intends to dominate Gotham and assassinates anybody who stands in his way. Dr. Bartholomew Wolper: Psychiatrist to Two-Face and the Joker and an opponent of Batman's "fascist" vigilantism. Wolper is confident that Batman's crusade has claimed both the Joker and Two-Face. He is assassinated after the Joker poisons a broadcast studio; Wolper's neck is severed by the robot Bobbie.

Members of DC UNIVERSE INFINITE may check out Jock's incredible abilities on titles like as The Losers, The Batman Who Laughs, and Green Arrow: Year One as part of their premium membership.

For the most up-to-date information on Batman: One Dark Knight, visit the DC website at www.dccomics.com and on social media, follow @DCComics and @thedcnation. DC UNIVERSE INFINITE is your one-stop shop for a variety of great and unforgettable Batman tales; for more information and to subscribe, visit the website at www.dcuniverseinfinite.com.

To be sure, the central "Who Did It?" mystery is compelling enough to keep readers engaged, but - as Quixote remarked in his review - the dialogue and characterisation are a train disaster. At one point, Batman instructs Alfred to do an Internet search for information on the White Rabbit, providing him with her description: rabbit ears and lingerie. Alfred makes a joke about searching the Internet for pornographic material out of this, and Bruce *smiles*. BATMAN IS NOT A SMILEY PERSON.

âI absolutely feel The Killing Joke's influence,â Christopher Nolan said in a 2008 Q&A, ânot so much in terms of details as in terms of establishing some sense of purpose for an intrinsically purposeless figure. That is to say, the Joker is a member of the anarchist movement. He is devoted to anarchy. He should have no goal, but I believe the underlying notion that Alan Moore conveyed so succinctly is that the Joker wants to bring everyone down to his level and demonstrate that he is not an exceptional monster and that everyone else can be debased and perverted in the same way he is. ” Batman: The First Year

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