
Coca Cola Aktie Dividende Nasdaq

The Coca-Cola Company (KO) March NYSE Libell Devise KO USD NYSE KO KO KO KO KO KO KO KO KO KO KO KO KO MXN Mexico EUR Diffr KO TradeGate EUR Diffr KO Francfort EUR Diffr KO Xetra KOCL KOCL KOCL KOCL KOCL KOCL KOCL KO CLP de Santiago USD Diffr KO Santiago Buenos Aires Diffr KO ARS COCA34 COCA34 COCA34 COCA34 COCA34 COCA34 COCA34 COCA BM&FBovespa S.A. de C.V. EUR Diffr KO Vienne KO-RM Diffr Moscou RUB Relative time KO KZ USD KASE USD Diffr KO Lima Diffr Adding to/Removing from the portefeuille Addition to Portfolio61,08 -1,49 -2,38 percent 03.07.03 - Ferm. Responsabilitas en USD) - Ferm. Calculated at a rate of 60,95 -0,13 -0,21 percent Closure apr s 29.011.215 m3

Risky (Gesamt) Risk (Total):The price movement of stocks is intrinsically risky and is subject to significant swings – all the way up to a total loss. Due to historical behavior, the stocks are classified into several risk categories. These risk categories are intended to be used in conjunction with historical comparisons to other stocks. Fundamentally, however, even when investing in what are referred to be «Low Risk» (Geringes Risiko) values, one must bear in mind that one is dealing with stocks and therefore with risky financial instruments, and that no conclusive conclusions about the future can be drawn from the past.


The Coca-Cola Company is one of the world's largest soft drink manufacturers. The company has the rights to around 500 trademarks worldwide. Among the alcohol-free products are Erfrischungsgetrnke with and without sugar, Schorlen, Eistees, Sportgetrnke, Sfte, various mineral-, healing-, and tablewaters, as well as brewed, drinkable coffeespezialitten. Additionally, the offer format is versatile. The many packing options cater to the needs of singles, large families, and those on the go. Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Sprite, and Fanta are four Coca-Cola Company products that rank in the âWorld's top fiveâ of non-alcohol calorie-free beverages. Following that, choose from the most successful brands such as Coca-Cola Zero, Minute Maid, Powerade, Aquarius, Dasani, Glacau Vitaminwater, Simply, or Georgia. The multinational Coca-Cola Company operates under a licensing framework. As the brand owner, the company has negotiated licenses with partners worldwide, the so-called Concessionaires, who are responsible for the production and distribution of Coca-Cola products.

The Dividend History page allows you to see all of the aggregated Dividend payment information on a single page. Visit our Dividend Calendar for more information: Zacks Investment Research, one of our partners, provides the upcoming ex-dividend dates for the next month (Other OTC & OTCBB stocks are not included in coverage for Dividend History). Please keep in mind that the dividend history of the corporation may contain preferred securities as well. The Price/Earnings Ratio is a frequently used metric for valuing stocks. The Price/Earnings Ratio of a security is calculated by dividing the Last Sale Price by the Actual EPS (Earnings Per Share). Nasdaq Data is made available via Nasdaq Data Link, a leading provider of financial, economic, and alternative statistics. The cloud-based platform from Data Link enables you to search for, find, and access data and analytics for seamless integration through cloud APIs. Create a free account at data.nasdaq.com now.

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