
Europäische Sumpfschildkröte Aussehen

View 10 Europäische Sumpfschildkröte Aussehen - The extremities and torso are darkbraun to black in color and have many gele Zeichnungen. The Panzer of the European Sumpfschildkrte is round and quite flabby, yet he is slightly larger in stature than the Mnnchen. Female European Sumpfschildkrten have a gelbliche or grn-gelbe eye color. However, there are also "vermnnlichen" Weibchen, which seem more like a Mnnchen than a Weibchen. This is referred to as virilization. Thus, a virilized offspring of the European Sumpfschildkrte may have other eye colors.

The Appearance of a Sumpfschildkrte The appearance of this Schildkrte demonstrates its adaptability to aquatic life - a stromlinienfrmige Schale, powerful, self-moving Beines, and Paddel. Pfoten have large claws and swimmembrane, and their sway is long (5-6 cm). Thus, for the Europische Sumpfschildkrte, a gelbe point-and-stripe marking on the Panzer, the Head, the Hals, and the Gliedmaen is typical. The Rotwangen-Schmuckschildkrte, on the other hand, are distinguished by their rot gefrbten balken behind the eyes.

The Europische Sumpfschildkrte, like all other amphibian and reptile species, is fully protected by the Swiss Natur- und Heimatschutzgesetz von 1967. As long as it is unknown whose genetic line an animal belongs to, the Emys orbicularis found in the wild is considered safe. Sumpfschildkrte with sehr langer Intergularnaht and geschnrkelter, vermiformer Kopfzeichnung auf schwarzem or dunklem Grund in mittlerer Größe. Typically, the forearm is adorned with two pale stripes. Both sexes have large mnnchen with a gold, white, or brown iris.

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