
Grande Y Maravillosas Son Tus Obras

16. a) What indicates that the seven angels are adequately prepared for their work? b) What demonstrates that there are others involved in the mammoth task of demolishing the simb3lic tazones? 16 These angels are well-suited to this task. Visten lino limpio y brillante, demostrando que somos limpios y sanos en senso espiritual, exactamente in los ojos de Jehov. Additionally, they wear gold cinturones. Cinturones son en general utilizados cuando alguien se cie para realizar una tarea. (See Leviticus 8:7, 13; 1 Samuel 2:18; Lucas 12:37; Juan 13:4, 5). As so, the angels are prepared to carry out their assignment. Additionally, his cinturones are made of gold. El oro era utilizado en el antiguo tabernculo para representar divinas y celestiales cosas. (9:4, 11, 12; Hebrews 9:4) This means that these angels must comply with a priceless, divine commission. Others are also involved in this mammoth task. Una de las cuatro vivas criaturas les entrega los mismos tazones. With a high probability, this was the first living creature, resembling a le3n and symbolizing the devastation and ind3mite value required to proclaim Jehov's judgments. (Apocalypse 4:7.)

Grande Y Maravillosas Son Tus Obras Letra

Seor mi dios todopoderoso justos, tus obras son grandes and maravillosas, y verdadero son tus caminos rey de los santos rey de santos oh gloria Oh Gloria a dios aleluya amn oh gloria a dios aleluya amn temela a dios yDale gloria la time de su juicio a llegado alabado aquel que hiso los Cielos y la tierra and el mar y la fuente de las aguas oh Gloria a Grandes and maravillosas son sus obras seor mi dios todopoderoso justos Y verdadero son tus caminos rey de los santos rey de los santos oh Gloria a Dios aleluya amn oh gloria a Dios aleluya amn temela a Dios y dale

Grande Y Maravillosas Son Tus Obras Acordes

13 As Moiss, Jesus sings openly the praises of God and prophesizes of His victory over all his adversaries. (Matthew 24:21, 22; 26:30; and Lucas 19:41–44.) Jesos anhelaba también el momento en el cual las naciones vengan an alabar a Jehov, y, como el abnegado âCordero de Diosâ, entrega3 su vida humana para hacer esto possible. (Juan 1:29; Rev. 7:9; compare with Isaas 2:2-4; Zacaras 8:23.) And just as Moiss came to appreciate God's name, Jehov, and to extol it, so Jesos exemplified God's name. (xodo 6:2, 3; Salmo 90:1, 17; Juan 17:6, etc.) Given that Jehovah is faithful, his glorious promises will undoubtedly be fulfilled. To be sure, along with these leal singers, with the Cordero, and with Moiss, we decided on the following as the song's lyrics: âQuin no te temer verdaderamente, Jehov, y glorificar tu name [...]?â. Angeles with tazones

Grande Y Maravillosas Son Tus Obras Biblia

16. a) What indicates that the seven angels are adequately prepared for their work? b) What demonstrates that there are others involved in the mammoth task of demolishing the simb3lic tazones? 16 These angels are well-suited to this task. Visten lino limpio y brillante, demostrando que somos limpios y sanos en senso espiritual, exactamente in los ojos de Jehov. Additionally, they wear gold cinturones. Cinturones son en general utilizados cuando alguien se cie para realizar una tarea. (See Leviticus 8:7, 13; 1 Samuel 2:18; Lucas 12:37; Juan 13:4, 5). As so, the angels are prepared to carry out their assignment. Additionally, his cinturones are made of gold. El oro era utilizado en el antiguo tabernculo para representar divinas y celestiales cosas. (9:4, 11, 12; Hebrews 9:4) This means that these angels must comply with a priceless, divine commission. Others are also involved in this mammoth task. Una de las cuatro vivas criaturas les entrega los mismos tazones. With a high probability, this was the first living creature, resembling a le3n and symbolizing the devastation and ind3mite value required to proclaim Jehov's judgments. (Apocalypse 4:7.)

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