
Kelly Clarkson American Idol Audition Outfit

Her voice, modesty, and charm eventually contributed to her victory on the reality program. In 2002, fans were as unfamiliar with American Idol as they were with the aspiring singer who would go on to win America's votes. âI had no clue what the program was about until the third audition,â Clarkson said to The Guardian. âMy intention was to be a support singerâI never expected to be in the spotlight. However, my flat in Los Angeles burnt down and I was forced to relocate; I had no money and was forced to sleep in my vehicle for three days. She auditioned on the recommendation of a friend and approached it realistically: âI went into it thinking it may cover my power bill.â

What Clarkson's devoted followers and "American Idol" viewers did not see, however, was Clarkson's first audition tape. Due to the show's extensive audition process, not all competitors make the cut to be shown. We all know what occurred when Clarkson moved to the competition's Hollywood round, but how did it all begin?

"Excellent work," Paula exclaimed as she solicited Randy's opinion. Randy said, "I adore that song." "I collaborated with Madonna on that song; you did an excellent job," he says, as the other two judges roll their eyes at his bashful boast. After some back and forth between Kelly and Randy on Randy's star potential, the two swapped places and Randy auditioned for a Hollywood role. "Now I'm going to need some stage presence as well, guy," Kelly advised. Randy's fate was left up to the new judges after a (very) quick audition in which he merely sang "I think I can fly." While Simon said "not in a trillion, billion years" and Paula stated she is "on the fence," Kelly stated that his nature makes it a possibility. While Randy was rejoicing in his accomplishment, Kelly was still unsure about her own future.

We unearthed Clarkson's 2002 "American Idol" audition, which features an endearing and clumsily dressed 20-year-old Texan who has no clue she is about to become famous. This retro video demonstrates that she has always have strong voice and a lively demeanor. Additionally, she informs Ryan Seacrest that he has to correct his highlights, which is very remarkable in and of itself. Advertisement

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