
Malzeichen Des Tieres Geschwüre

How is the situation with the Malzeichen now to be understood? We know that God, the Father, in our genuine Jesus Christ, who teaches us about love, does not provide it when a person wears earring, piercings, dental fillings, knstliche h14ftgelenke, heart monitor, or a chip as an identification mark. He is just concerned with the heart, the mind, and the actions. This is where it begins. The correct interpretation of the symbol is as follows: The term "right hand" refers to human behavior, while "stirn" refers to human thought.

The following are the characteristics of the animal's malignancy:The described animal compels all humans to accept the animal's malignancy (Offb 13,16). The insignia may be worn on either the right or left hand (Offb 13,16). This is not synonymous with the number of animals (Offb. 13,18). Whoever does not own the trademark, the animal's name, or its number, will be unable to purchase or sell. (12,17) (Offb 13,17)

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The animal's sign (Offenbarung 13,16) is often discussed, since it denotes the certain death and eternal rebirth in the end times (Offenbarung 20,4-6). Because the Offenbarung states that the sign must be worn on the left or right side of the body and that it is not permissible to purchase or sell without it (Offenbarung 13,17), many believe that they are dealing with a chip that will be implanted under the skin. The technology has advanced to the point where it is feasible. However, I am not certain that it must always be a chip.

"And I heard a loud voice from the Temple, saying to the seven angels, "Come forward and give the Zornes [Jahuwahs] Schalen [...] out into the Earth!" And the first came and slung his carcass to the ground, where an eerie and agonizing Geschw14r arose toward the humans who had the animal's markings and possessed his image." (16.1-2. Offenbarung.) Satan's attempt is to reclaim the Anbetung, which belongs exclusively to the Schpfer. As a result, he has effected, among other things, that the whole world now follows a pstlichen Sonnenkalender and an unbiblischen Wochenzyklus. The whole timekeeping system in the contemporary world is based on heidnical methods.

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