Already in December, the first four episodes of the cooking program were noted. Originally, the Italian restaurant Cappuccino was also scheduled to participate; however, the restaurant, located in the Logenhaus, closed abruptly before to the recording week for an as-yet-unexplained reason. In 2015, Potsdam hosted its first âMein Lokal, Dein Lokalâ-Woche, which was won by the Lokal Landleben in Gro Glienicke. Saskia Kirf Von Saskia Kirf
Birgit Sommer Von
Heidelberg. Actually, Martin Scharff has no time right now. His Winter-Variety on the Heidelberger Schloss was scheduled to begin this week. However, this has been temporarily suspended due to the Corona-Pandemie. Perhaps it will happen in February. Offen und nervös, as the Patron der Schlossweinstube is, he focuses on something very different â die Doku-Soap "Mein Lokal, Dein Lokal". Since 2013, just before 18 a.m. on cable, an ongoing competition between fourteen restaurants connects Heidelberg ("Scharffs Schlossweinstube" and "959") with Mannheim, Waldsee, and Viernheim. The Staffel will be distributed in February or March of the following year, as determined by Executive Producer Marc-Oliver Trapp.
Then, on Sunday, it's off to the country, as is customary. Geschftsf14hrer und Küchenmeister Michael Wittmann (48) renamed the 1971-built "Waldgasthof am Letten" in Lauf a der Pegnitz in 2010. Following assignments at Sternek14chen in England and Spain, he has not altered the concept, but rather incorporates the acquired finesse gradually into the traditional kitchen of the house. Idyllisch inmitten der Natur, mit herrlichem Blick: Der "Waldgasthof am Letten" is open on Tuesdays at "Mein Lokal, dein Lokal."
Mein Lokal, dein Lokal (kurz MLDL) ist eine seit 2013 auf Kabel eins ausgestrahlte Doku-Soap, die as Wettbewerb mit Testessen zwischen fünf Lokalbesitzern/-mitarbeitern abläuft, wie der Untertitel Wo schmeckt's am besten impliziert.
An einer âMinistaffelâ14ber eine Sendewoche nehmen a f14nf Restaurants teil, which are visited in order by their co-owners for the purpose of inspecting the guestrooms and kitchen facilities, including the bar and food selection, as well as the evening meal (Vor-, Haupt-, and Nachspeise). Following that, the four invited guests secretly rate their hosts on a scale of 1 to 10. Each restaurant is also rated by the moderator at the end of the week with a maximum of 10 points under the concept The Profi. The winner of both formats receives a trophy (designed to match the broadcast's logo) and a cash prize of 3000 euros.