
Montricher Maison De L'écriture

In 1790, during the French Revolution, the abbey was destroyed, and the convent was leveled to make way for gypsum mining. Saint-church Pierre's was spared. In 1855, an oratory was erected on the site of the Martyrs church (today 11 rue Yvonne-Le Tac). It had a renovation in 1994. [4] By the 15th century, the hill's north and northeast slopes were dotted with villages surrounded by vineyards, gardens, and peach and cherry orchards. The earliest mills, grinding wheat, barley, and rye, were constructed on the western slope in 1529. There were thirteen mills at one point, yet only two survived by the late nineteenth century. [4]

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Verticality and horizontality are inextricably linked.

While the functions are split into four levels, they retain a high degree of interconnectedness owing to their placement on half-levels. That means the toilet is just eight steps away from the kitchen, with an excellent visual connection. The same is true for the kitchen and the living-/sleeping room, as well as the relationship between the living-/sleeping room and the writing room.

The project began in September 2009. However, reflections began twenty years ago, as Vincent Mangeat recounts. The project's greatest challenge was starting from nothing. There are around 650 literary houses in Europe, but none have been constructed entirely of wood, as this one was, according to the architect.

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