
Motivation New Month New Goals Quotes

Roosevelt's comments may very well be the deciding factor in your success in the next year. Whether you're following a new ambition, working diligently toward existing objectives, or devising a strategy to alter your life in some manner, self-discipline will be critical to your success. If any of these quotations inspire you to improve personally, try printing them out and placing them in locations that you frequent during the day. Occasionally, a short quote may have a profound effect on your day. Do you know someone who might need a little motivation? Share these quotations with others to assist them in their new year's endeavors.

Motivational quotes for Friday

âFriday generates the most smiles of any day of the workweek!â

âKate Summers âKate Summers âKate Summers âK “Oh! It's Friday once again. Distribute the love that was lacking during the week. In a deserving moment of tranquillity and happiness. ” S. OâSade Every Friday, I like to give myself a high five for surviving another week on little more than coffee, willpower, and inappropriate comedy. ” âNanea Hoffman âNanea Hoffman âNanea Hoffman â âMake Friday a day to celebrate job well done that you can be proud of, even if you were late for your next payday. ” âByron Pulsifer âByron Pulsifer âByron Pulsifer âWhen you leave the office on Friday, leave the office. Avoid allowing technology to consume your whole weekend (answering text messages and emails) Take a break. If you take a break, you will feel more energized to begin the workweek. ” âCatherine Pulsifer âCatherine Pulsifer âCatherine Pulsifer

16. âMy life philosophy is that if we decide what we want to do with our lives and work diligently toward that objective, we will never lose â we will always prevail.

” Ronald Reagan â 17. âA goal is a wish fulfilled.â âNapoleon Hill

When one door to happiness shuts, another opens; yet, we often spend so much time staring at the closed door that we miss the one that has been opened for us. Keller, Helen People often assert that motivation is transient. Bathing, on the other hand, does not â that is why we prescribe it everyday. Ziglar, Zig

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