
Nuevos Personajes Imagenes De Descendientes 3

When the barrier for the new VKs is opened, Hades, the god of the underworld, tries to escape, but Mal, in her dragon form, defeats him. Audrey takes the Queen's Crown and Maleficent's Scepter from The Museum that night, unable to resist her envy of Mal. The heist and Hades' attempted escape have the populace in a state of terror. Mal, as future Queen, thinks that the only way to safeguard the people and restore peace is to permanently seal the barrier, preventing new VKs from entering the Isle. Audrey uses Maleficent's scepter to strike Mal, transforming her into an old hag. Mal and the other VKs go to the Isle in search of Hades' ember, the sole item capable of breaking the scepter's curse. Mal is resurrected upon entering the Isle as a result of the Isle's repression of evil magic. Celia successfully lures Mal into Hades' lair, but he foils their attempt to take the ember. He reveals himself to be Mal's absentee father and grudgingly hands her the ember, telling her that it must not get wet or it would lose its full potency. Mal and the others are halted on their way out of the Isle by Uma, Gil, and Harry, who steal the Ember. They agree to assist Mal in exchange for his agreement to free all of the children from the Isle.

Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos travel the Isla de los Perdidos in search of four new villano sons to bring to Auradon Prep. Escogen a Dizzy, Drizella's daughter and Lady Tremaine's niece, Celia, Doctor Facilier's daughter, and Squeaky and Squirmy, Sr. Smee's twin sons. On the day of the transfer, Ben, Mal's fiancee and Auradon's king, proposes marriage, and it seems as if everything is moving in the right direction toward establishing peace between the kingdoms. However, when a breach in the barrier allows Hades, the underworld's god, to attempt escape, jeopardizing Auradon's safety during the transfer, Mal decides to permanently close the barrier, fearful that the enemigos Uma y el mismo Hades would exact revenge on the kingdom. Regardless of the decision, an unfathomable dark force threatens the people of Auradon. Descendientes 3 usa nuevas y magicas aventuras, en las que Mal y sus amigos deben depender para salvar a todos in la batalla máxima hasta el momento.

When Audrey transforms into a bruja

Audrey with the cetro transforms into an ancient bruja in a Descendientes 3 scene, exchanging her exquisite morado chaleco for a chaqueta without mangas morada y green, a manta negra de lana, a very arrugada piel, and a pelo gris y largo.

Los Descendientes Criticas 3? Write your own review of Los Descendientes 3. IsraelMR Continuar 8 3 0 0 Los Descendientes Spoilers for sin To my knowledge, I am the first person to see this film, despite the fact that it is not available in my country, nor in any other, since its release date is August 9, but I have my own methods (repelisgo.com). The film impressed me because, in addition to serving as the saga's conclusion, it reunites the villains and heroes, and the least anticipated character is our new and most terrifying villain... Verifica mas

Dove Cameron, Sofia Carson, Booboo Stewart, and Cameron Boyce are the protagonists of the "Descendients" trilogy (Foto: Disney)

There is very emotive audiovisual content, since it features unedited images from Cameron Boyce's most recent days of work alongside his 'Descendientes 3' coworkers. As is well known, Disney's star died three weeks before to the film's release.

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