
Recursos Naturales Que Posee Nicaragua

Psittacidae ranchos son la guacamaya escarlata (Ara macao) o sus amaz3nicos loros (Amazona spp.). Additionally, they have commercial value in countries such as Argentina and Costa Rica (Chardonnet, et. al., 2002). Among the other species created are the chinchilla (Chinchilla laniger), the nutria (Myocastor coypu), the Amazonian tortoises (Podocnemis expansa), and the tepezcuintle (Cuniculus paca) (Chardonnet et al., 2002).

Volcanes se han convertido en populares destinos para caminatas and se pueden escalar todos, pero los más recomendados son: Cosig14ina, San Cristobal, Telica, Cerro Negro, Concepci3n, y Maderas. National Volcano Park Masaya is un complexo de dos volcanes y cinco crteres, el más visitado en Nicaragua, and se puede llegar en veh­culo hasta el principal crter.

Subsuelo's Resources

Among non-renewable natural resources, those extracted from the soil may have seen the most exploitation. The terrestrial corteza provides combustibles, metals, and minerals that are critical to the development of societies. It is necessary to bear in mind that the abundance and distribution of metals and minerals are not uniform, but the availability of metals is not determined by their abundance but rather by the ease with which they can be found and exploited profitably. There are primarily two methods of mining: subterranean and open-air mines, often known as canteras.

Otra premisa que debemos manejar es que los recursos de la tierra no son limitados, una lecci3n que estamos aprendiendo hoy gracias a las malas prcticas hist3ricas de nuestra sociedad.

In the interest of living in a healthy and safe environment, as well as making prudent use of the resources of our planet (and specifically of Nicaragua), Nicaragua's Political Constitution recognizes in its Article 59 that Nicaraguans have the right to live in a healthy environment, as well as the obligation to preserve and conserve it. The third paragraph of the cited article states the following: âDevemos proteger y restaurar la integridad de los ecosistemas, con una particular preocupaci3n por la diversidad biol3gica y por todos los procesos naturales que sustentan la vida.â; es por eso que Nicaragua ha firmado y ha incorporado in nuestra legislación la Declaraci3n Universal del Bien Com3

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