
Rosamunde Pilcher Die Elster Und Der Kapitn

Principality of Mainz (ots) - Regisseurin Kthe Niemeyer adapted the short story "Pagans home" into the musical "Rosamunde Pilcher: The Elster and the Captain." The ZDF will broadcast it on Sunday, 6 March 2022, at 20.15 p.m. The film is now available for viewing at the ZDFmediathek. Lisa Edison, an aspiring auctioneer, is at the center of the story (Jasmina Al Zihairi). Lisa found wonderful Adoptiveltern in Richard (Christoph Grunert) and Emma Edison (Saskia Fischer) as a baby, but when all her doubtful attempts to establish contact with her biological mother failed, she fell into a severe seelenk crisis. The adolescent compensated for her grief with Ladendiebsthlen. In the meanwhile, she has stabilized herself enough. An Irrglaube, as it manifests itself when she is confronted with another painful loss: Dave Solvit (Daniel Fritz) wishes to go to the sea as a captain on a container ship and spend the most of the year on the world's oceans. When Lisa's unanticipated female mother Donna Bent (Dagny Dewath) - made entirely of her own flesh - appears, it throws her family's life into disarray. Christian Schfer-Koch, 06131 - 70-15380; Presse-Desk, 06131 - 70-12108, pressedesk@zdf.de Photographs are available upon request from ZDF-Communication, telephone: 06131 - 70-16100, or at https://presseportal.zdf.de/presse/rosamundepilcher. https://www.zdf.de/serien/rosamunde-pilcher/ Sendungsseite Pressekontakt:ZDF-Kommunikation +49-6131-70-12121 https://twitter.com/ZDFpresse ZDF Original-Content, retransmitted through news aktuell https://www.presseportal.de/pm/7840/5160370/original-meldung

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Lisa Edison (Jasmina Al Zihairi) is terrified that her dream guy Dave Solvit (Daniel Fritz) would go from her life in a matter of days to take up his position as Captain. Jon Ailes / ORF / ZDF Lisa (Jasmina Al Zihairi) is in a state of emotional turmoil. Unexpectedly, she now confides in Dan Percy's (Charles Armstrong) high-priced auctions. Jon Ailes / ORF / ZDF

Lisa Edison (Jasmina Al Zihairi) must fear that her dream guy Dave (Daniel Fritz) would vanish from her life for an extended period of time in order to take up his position as Captain of a container ship. Jon Ailes / ZDF Ungl14ck occurs seldom in "Rosamunde Pilcher: Die Elster und der Kapitän." Lisa Edison (Jasmina Al Zihairi), a young auctioneer, has just fallen in love with her dream guy Dave (Daniel Fritz), but danger lurks around every corner. Dave, who so freely builds boats on Cornwall's coast, is to serve as the captain of a container ship in the sea - and this for many months, as he understands. This may be the end of their just begun love. And then, after more than 25 years, Lisa's female mother reappears, whom she had abandoned after her birth.

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