
Whatsapp Icono Transparent Png Logo Facebook

In late January 2015, Koum announced on his Facebook page that WhatsApp will be officially accessible for PCs through a web version dubbed WhatsApp Web: "Our online client is just an extension of your phone: the web browser duplicates your mobile device's chats and messages, which means that all of your communications remain on your phone." The handset of the WhatsApp user must remain connected to the Internet in order for the browser application to work. Except for Internet Explorer, all major desktop browsers are supported. WhatsApp Web uses the usual Android user interface and can be accessed at web.whatsapp.com. Access is allowed once users scan their unique QR code using the WhatsApp mobile application. You may get the following free PNG pictures from this clipart: Free download of Whatsapp PNG pictures

Whatsapp is an excellent smartphone application because it is a popular Android and iOS messaging and voice chat application that enables you to communicate in high definition with all of your friends who have the Whatsapp app installed on their smartphones or computers, as well as view them on video. It was acquired in 2009 by Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook. At the time, WhatsApp was not the chosen application. Whatsapp was comparable to viber, line, wechat, and tango messengers that were popular at the time. After being acquired by Facebook, WhatsApp amassed a sizable user base. Whatsapp is one of the most extensively utilized programs worldwide. Please, do not forget to provide a credit link to the whatsapp logo png page!

Download 136 free Whatsapp Icons in a variety of design styles like iOS, Windows, Material, and others.

For web, mobile, and graphic design projects, get free Whatsapp icons in iOS, Material, and Windows design styles. These free graphics are pixel-perfect and accessible in both PNG and vector formats. Icons are available in a variety of forms, and you may change them to fit your designs.

The app has established itself as the major mode of electronic communication in a number of nations and regions, including Latin America, the Indian subcontinent, and vast swaths of Europe and Africa, and will have over 2 billion users globally by February 2020.

WhatsApp users have access to a variety of features, including: group chats with their contacts, which allows them to easily stay in touch with their friends and family; they can also send and receive WhatsApp messages directly from their computer's browser; they are always logged in to ensure they never miss a message; their address book is used to quickly and easily connect them with their contacts who also use WhatsApp; they can share their location, exchange contacts, set custom wallpapers, and receive notifications.

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