
Wie Alt Ist Marc Marshall

When the âSchne Maidâ turns 40, there are two reasons to celebrate at the Marshall House in Baden-Baden: Tony Marshall (72) is delighted that he can still f14ttern the mood with this hit. Marc (47), himself a successful businessman, is overjoyed that this woman has come to him. Marshall jr. does not refer to his world as the Gassenhauer. He co-wrote the âTop Ten of the Heavensâ with Jay Alexander and f14hrte the Classic Charts with 100,000 sold CDs. The Senior, on the other hand, remained very popular with his juiciest Schlager âTausendmal a Dichâ, with just 40 000 copies sold.

There are already certain advantages to having Tony Marshall as a father. Thus, Marc Marshall has already traveled through clubs in Germany and the United States of America for seven years and appeared on stage with his father in 1971. Whether his passion for music was heightened as a result of this or whether it has always been ingrained in his genes? Marc Marshall has undoubtedly derived something from this. Following his jazz and bariton studies, he co-founded the duo Marshall & Alexander with Jay Alexander in 1993. Marshall has released many albums and DVDs under the name Alexander. However, the Entertainer is also a solitary performer: He appeared on stage with Aretha Franklin and Andrea Bocelli, among others, and moderated television broadcasts such as Frhlicher Weinberg (SWR). Marshall has been hosting the Mr. M's Jazz Club Festival in Baden Baden since 2008, which has already included renowned artists such as Till Brnner and Roger Cicero. As is customary for him, live performances have a special place in his heart: "If people give me their time and help me, I consider myself blessed. At a concert, we spend many hours together, which results in this really personal atmosphere with moving moments!"

Ren KrmerâMarc Marshalls Musikwelt ist nicht nur ein Live-Konzert: DAS bin ich! Jazz, Classical, Pop, Song, Schlager, Opera, and Poetry To re-celebrate music and life; this has been my explicit goal since all B14hnen were closed in Mrz 2020, according to Marc Marshall. Words of liberation for a living artist's soul.

Recreation & Culture

Marc Marshall is back on tour two years after his last solo project - with a new album in the works that was originally intended. (pr) Marc Marshall is back on tour two years after his last solo project with a new album in the works that was originally unplanned. Originally, he intended to do just a few solo concerts; he wanted to fill the room with B14hnenluft, to channel the audience's energy, and to channel his immense passion toward the singing. From one...

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