
Yandere Villain Deku X Reader

The vista was breathtaking. From here, you can view everything, including your town and many others. From your vantage point, they seemed to be golden dots of light piercing the blackness of this winter night. However, you could hear the laughing and singing, which made you grin. âAre you aware of this? It is all for your benefit.â As said by the Prince. âI am aware of what others say about me. I am aware that many are fearful of me. They see me as a monster. However, you were courageous. You confronted a monster out of love for your peopleââ

Your dread began to strangle you just as the handle began to turn. 'Is he serious about coming in??' You spilt your coffee on your hand in your hurry, causing you to hiss in agony. “H-Hey! Are you all right?â Your hand was seized by a big hand and dragged you to the sink to apply cold water.

My God. This is the wedding of your dreams. This is an authentic wedding. Like you gaze around the garden, as if waking from a dream, your eyes fill with tears and your fingers get chilly and begin to tremble around the bouquet of lavender in your hands. You manage to contain your tears, though, until Zazu asks whether you would marry Scar.

This is a compilation from the âSpoil of Warâ series. The masterlist for this series may be found here, as well as the first chapter. Notes: I apologize for the delay in updating, but here it is!! I hope you like it all. Additionally, WE HAVE REACHED 500 FOLLOWERS! I am really thankful to each of you, and I will be arranging a celebration! My heart is overflowing with appreciation and love TuT 3 3

You see Scaramouche remove some powder from his pocket in a little vial, which for some reason puzzles and frightens you. âI hope you've learnt your lesson, [Name].â Scaramouche unscrews the lid of the bottle, releasing a mildly sweet aroma. This immediately conceals your nose. âNow, now, refrain from doing that.â Scaramouche seizes and clamps both of your hands to the back of your skull. “No!”

Yandere Villain Deku X Reader Wattpad

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âThat wasnât very pleasant,â Deku said, his voice weirdly strangled. “I wasn’t gonna injure you, you know.” You saw that his face had grown rather flushed, and were those tears accumulating in his eyes as you lifted his head? He took a step towards you, and fearful of what he may do, you spoke once again. âI'mâI'm sorry,â you sobbed, âI shouldn't have done that.â After you apologized, Deku's whole tone shifted once again. His tears suddenly dried and he burst into such a real, brilliant grin that you felt dazzled by the abrupt change.

“Stay with me…and I will keep everyone safe. However, departâand the barriers tumble down. The warriors reappear. You are aware of what will occur. Remain or depart. Your option. ” You were aware of what was going on in his eyes at the moment. You had finally deciphed that odd stare that made you feel more stranger. You could see it when he locked his gaze on your own. It was almost affectionate. Nonetheless, it was bizarre, twisted. As though he had no idea what love was or what to do with it. As his words sank in, your heart almost stopped.



My Aspiration ( yandere Deku x reader) Summary: You and him were to be the ones who had a sliver of genuine bliss, the ones who possessed a love capable of illuminating the world. Finding such a love is not why I decided to go to hell; I did so because I am a crazy freak who desired to rescue him, but I requested love if it was feasible. Therefore, stroll...

âWhen did they become so pliable, Kacchan?â Izuku inquired, a self-righteous sneer pinching at the edges of his lips. His tone was condescending, too patronizing to be sincere, yet that did not stop his hands from sliding to your waist and massaging slow, measured circles into your belly before going on to your thighs and grasping curiously. He proceeded, unprompted, as if oblivious to the fact that he had never received an answer. âYou did that on purpose, correct? I'm aware that you choose targets who are incapable of retaliating.â âFuck off. You didnât have to consider, your focus fixed on the source of the interruption, on your partner. Your shackles were childâs play in comparison to Katsukiâs, his hands enclosed in metal cylinders and leather belts draped over every extremity that could have escaped. He was immobilized and fastened against a cement column, a loose muzzle strapped over the bottom part of his face for Izuku's amusement. He had not been taken quietly, though, with a spray of dried blood matting his blonde hair to his head and his Hero outfit torn to shreds, stripped of everything that might have been used as a weapon. You would have been envious of the effort used in catching him, had worry not been pushed to the forefront of your consciousness, refusing to move once it taken its position. âTouch (Y/n) one more time and I vow I'llââ

Yandere Villain Deku X Reader Tumblr

- he'll happily bring you to prey if you get hungry, and even if you're no longer capable of feeling fatigue or pain, he'll make every effort to keep you safe and comfortable, since that's what friends do, right? Because you lack the mental capacity to care for yourself, it is his job to do so. - ... if anybody ever does you harm or - heaven forbid - kills you, may God have pity on that miserable soul, for Tommy certainly will not.

Kindly give your full name. Kindly give your full name. Kindly give your legal guardian's email address. Kindly provide a valid email address. Your legal guardian's name and email address are essential for the approval process and will be used only for verification reasons by WEBTOON. Such information will be erased after we have finished the approval procedure.

From behind you, you heard heavy footsteps and a scream of, âYoung Midoriya! What are you doing in this place?â He was, indeed, in hero mode. âNo one knew where you were, and you weren't answering your phone, so I assumed something was wrong!â Midoriya's brows wrinkled together as he returned your gaze. âI had no idea you had a girlfriend, All Might!â Toshinori was torn between praising you and expelling Midoriya.

âWhat do you know?â His voice becomes huskier and deeper than it was before, menacing. He leans across the table to you, eyes half-lidded. âI concur.â Suddenly, the seductive lilt in his voice vanishes and you take a breath. That was unexpectedâ âOne question, though! What lengths would you go to get this gig? Alternatively, errâ for me.â-

âExplain your presence in my wife's room.â

The guy had already been terrified, but now his face had lost all color when he realized how foolish his choice had been. He had believed you were another member of the family, maybe a sister or daughter. He just recently became aware of how messed he was. Even though he was a new butler, he was aware of Silva's terrible rage and knew to avoid discussing Silva's wife at all costs, should he wish for the most agonizing death imaginable.

Yandere Villain Deku X Reader Quotev

âI understand you're concerned about meâ However, it will be secure, won't it? Nobody can harm me while I'm with you. ” Bakugou comes to a halt. Your words reverberate in his thoughts. He enjoys them. He enjoys the fact that you feel so secure around him; it makes him feel pleased. He sighs angrily, ruffling his thick blonde hair with his hand. He is concerned about you and terrified of losing you (though he would never acknowledge it). However, you were not asking for much. Really, it's just a date.

He believes you have the audacity to shun him during matches. Oh, you've twisted his arm so much! You believe he is not enraged when you flee during a match? He sometimes wonders why he bothers to keep you around. If you're going to continue fleeing, why doesn't he just paralyze you? With a single fast strike from his pointed bat, he'll give you a lesson.

âHe threatened to rape me and said that if I screamed, no one would hear me.

âThe minute you completed your statement, there was an instantaneous shift in the whole room. It was a crushingly thick pressure that poured into every crevice, swallowing everything. The pressure suddenly released, enabling you to breathe, however it was evident that the invader did not have the same courtesy, as he choked and fell to his knees.



My Aspiration ( yandere Deku x reader) Summary: You and him were to be the ones who had a sliver of genuine bliss, the ones who possessed a love capable of illuminating the world. Finding such a love is not why I decided to go to hell; I did so because I am a crazy freak who desired to rescue him, but I requested love if it was feasible. Therefore, stroll...

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